A bad workman blames his tools
An apple a day keeps the doctor away
An empty vessel makes much noise
A Friend in need is a friend indeed
All that glitters is not goldA sound mind in a sound body
A rolling stone gathers no moss
A stitch in time saves nine
A work is worship
Avoid plastic bag
Be wish in saving and spending
Books are your friends
Better late than never
Be honest be happy, be healthy
Be kind to animal
Be polite
Be the first to end a quarrel
Charity begins at home
Do not be afraid be speak
Early to bed, early to rise, makes you
healthy, wealthy and wise
Each one plant one
Experience is the best teacher
Early to bed early to rise no pains no again
Every light has its shadow
Fall seven times, stand up eight
First come first served
God helps those who help themselves
Good as gold
Honesty is the best policy
• Honesty is the key to any success in work
• Health is worship
Haste makes waste
Lend your money and lose your friend
• Litreate India Strong India
Live and let live
Little drops make an ocean
• Many hands make light work
• Never tell lies
• Necessity is the mother of invention
• No pain no gain
• One child one plant
• Old is gold

One step towards cleanliness
Out of sight, out of mind
- Practice makes man perfect
Pride has fall
Prevention is better than cure
Plant trees save earth
Save electricity
Save trees save earth
Save water save plants
Suit your actions to your words
Save water save life
Silence is golden
Seeing is believing - इयत्ता सातवी ऑनलाईन टेस्ट
Slow and steady wins the race
There’s no times like the present
Think twice before you act
Time is money
Try try but don’t cry
Tomorrow never comes
The early bird catches the worm
. Tit for tat
• To error is human
Union is strength
Waste not want not
Where there is a will there is a way
We learn form our mistake